1. How do I setup … email
  2. Policies: BillingAcceptable Use
  3. Prices: Businessstatic ipT1Co-location


  1. How do I upload? (more…)


  1. Receiving mail: Lock busy. Is another session running?
  2. Receiving mail: Your POP3 server has not responded
  3. Sending mail: Relay denied
  4. Sending mail: 0x800ccc0e
  5. Sending mail: No transport provider
  6. Returned mail: spamcop
  7. Returned mail: quota exceeded?


  1. Hangs up after receiving mail
  2. Unable to receive mail with certain attachment types(updated)
  3. Can’t display web pages
  4. Save password box unavailable
  5. Repeated prompts for saved password
  6. Network Status


  1. Stop spam
  2. Speed up your: browseremail
  3. Stop Exchange spam / Dynamic DNS spam
  4. Fix messy quoting in OutlookOutlook Express
  5. Protect Outlook against viruses

What are your mail server names?

outgoing mail server: mail.yourdomain.com
incoming mail server: mail.yourdomain.com

For step-by-step email setup instructions, please see our e-mail setup guide.

I get an error trying to send mail: relay denied.

Please check your outgoing mail server settings.

If you use a different ISP mail server, please contact them and ask, “What is your outgoing mail server?”

For step-by-step email setup instructions, please see our e-mail setup guide.

I get an error trying to send mail: 0x800CCC0E

  1. Can you get webpages? If so, you may have the wrong mail server typed in your account, or the server may be down.
  2. If you can’t get webpages, hangup, try connecting again.
  3. Reboot and try again.
  4. Still not working? Still not getting webpages? If so, treat as a ‘Non-Moving Data’ issue. (Check DNS, check firewall, reinstall TCP/IP)
  5. Anti-virus-scanning software may have reassigned port 25 to another port. Disable all non-essential services, including antivirus software, then restart your computer.

Unable to receive mail with certain attachment types?

By default, Outlook blocks the following unsafe attachment types: exe, mdb, url, lnk, ade, adp, asx, bas, bat, chm, cmd, com, cpl, crt, hlp, hta, inf, ins, isp, js , jse, mda, mde, mdt, mdw, mdz, msc, msi, msp, mst, ops, pcd, pif, prf, reg, scf, scr, sct, shb, shs, vb , vbe, vbs, wsc, wsf, wsh

If you want to disable this feature and understand the risks involved, please see one of the following articles:

In addition to Outlook’s protection, our mail servers drop the following types of mail:

  • attachments with double extensions, such as AnnaKournikova.jpg.vbs
  • anything scanned and verified as infected

Why don’t your mail servers inform the sender when they send an infected or suspicious email?

Because, quite often, the sender is forged and we don’t want to spam innocent third parties.

Quota exceeded. What are my quotas?

For incoming mail: 10MB total mailbox size. Individual messages can be up to 3MB each.

For outgoing mail: 3MB. (Note that if you send a 1.5 – 2.2MB attachment, when your email program encodes it, it will usually be around 3MB.)

For your web site: 20-125MB.

I need to send a large file to someone. What can I do?

Post the big file to your site and send a link to it. (recommended)

When creating files, adjust the options so the file is smaller. You can also compress the attachment further with ZIP or RAR.

If you must send the file by email, you can upgrade. Please let us know how big of an attachment you would like to send and we’ll let you know how much it will cost.

When receiving mail, I get an error “POP3 server has not responded in 60 seconds” or “Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection.”

These errors can occur because:

  • Mail server may be temporarily overloaded/under maintenance. (check status)
  • You have a proxy or firewall blocking access to the mail server. (check proxy)
  • You have Norton AntiVirus configured incorrectly. (disable Norton temporarily)

You can also try reconnecting and testing your mail via telnet.

When receiving mail, I get an error “Maildrop lock busy. Is another session running?”

This happens if a connection made to your mail server breaks abnormally. This can also happen if two computers are checking your mailbox at the same time. If you stop checking mail for five minutes, the server usually resets the lock.

If the problem persists, the lock can be reset by contacting us at (973) 227-8610 x17 and asking us to force your mail server connection closed.

If you get locked out frequently, make sure you aren’t letting huge messages pile up on the server.

How do I stop spam (junk mail)?

  • Delete it without responding
  • Report to SpamCop
  • Use K9

How do I turn off Dynamic DNS in Win2K? This gets rid of unnecessary network traffic. 

  1. Click Start > Settings > Network and Dialup
  2. View the Properties of Local Area Network
  3. Select Adapter > Protocols > TCP/IP > Advanced > DNS
  4. Clear the “Register this name” option box.

How do I speed up my mail box?

In Outlook Express, select Tools, Accounts, click the Mail tab, select the service, click the Properties button, click the Advanced tab, and choose among message removal options in the Delivery section. This also works in Outlook 98/2000/2002/2003.

In Netscape Messenger, pull down the Edit menu and select Preferences. Highlight Mail Server under Mail & Groups, and in the Mail Server Type box, confirm that the line “Leave messages on server after retrieval” isn’t checked.

If you’re using filtering rules to remove spam or messages with large file attachments, make sure those unwanted messages aren’t lingering on the NetworkExpert servers. Temporarily deactivate any filtering rules you’ve set up, and then log on to the server to download any existing mail. To remove a large message that’s clogging up your mail box, please call our technical support at 973-227-8610 ext. 117.

How come I connect, but web pages/mail aren’t working?

  1. Check your DNS settings.
  2. Shutdown Windows, turn off power, reboot machine.
  3. Check your browser’s Proxy & Firewall settings.
  4. If you run Windows ME, the Internet Connection Sharing software can cause connection problems. Try uninstalling it.

Can I submit a question?

Of course you can, just e-mail us.

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